A Bit About Me

I’m a quilter, a writer, a mother to furry children, and an agnostic (although I am open to persuasion from both ends of the spectrum).  I love a good quilt shop and an energetic political debate.  I will never, ever be happy with my thighs or tummy, but I do think I have cute face....oh, and that I'm a sparkling conversationalist.

In all that I do, I strive for fairness.  I work hard to do my best, and to be fair.  I believe that to whom much has been given, much is required.  I also believe that armegeddon never comes when you could really use it. (1)

I love words.  And material.  And good, dark bitter chocolate, preferably from Belgium.    I am somewhat fond of thread and urban fantasy romance novels.  I hate having to watch what I eat and even more so, that I have to exercise.

When I am not sleeping, commuting to work, working, commuting from work, or playing with and or feeding the above referenced furry children, I make time for all the things I love, are somewhat fond of, and even downright hate.

Welcome to my world of prose, pilates, and paper piecing!

(1) More Tales of Feldman, Mindy Glazer