First up, a fabric box done with Penn State fabric for a friend of mine. She's a knitter and was asking for a small container to hold a ball of yarn inside one of her project bags. I think she'll like this.
I used a tutorial I found on Seaside Stitches and had it done within an hour.
I then tried making my first box bag. Not as big of a success -- as I think I did something incredibly stupid and put the zipper on the long side of the fabric rather than long, so I ended up with a rather long, skinny bag :-) But it still looks cute and I think I'll just set it aside for my own use as it is not really "gift" quality.
I finished up with getting the material cut out for three baby quilts I am making using the Triplet pattern, by Norma Campbell. You end up getting three quilts and can vary the layout. I have one to do for a little boy and one for a little girl, so I decided to use both blue and pink and then yellow. Then I'll have an extra baby quilt the next time I need a shower present!